Source: “Sacred Scotch Solos" by Alexander Halliday
Date: Circa 1920?
Tune: by Alexander Halliday
Sin’s dark stains are noo awa’,
Jesus wash’d me white as snaw
Nae desire ha’e I ava’
Tae wander frae my Saviour
‘Twas His love that won my heart,
For a’ I dune He taen my part
And tholed the stripes that I should get
That’s hoo I ken He lo’es me
He lo’ed me sae, He shed His bluid
Tae cancel a’ the ills I did
Could He dune mair, I’m sure He wad
Oh sinner Jesus lo’es ye
Drawn by love, Christ reigns within
Taught by grace tae conquer sin
Yieldin’ a’ my pooers tae Him
I’ve life and licht and gledness
O it’s sweet tae ken Him noo
He fills my heart wi’ joys sae fu’
And a’ He says I’m sure is true
That’s hoo I ken He lo’es me
I’m waitin’ for Thy comin’ Lord
Trustin’ in His written word
Sowin’ precious seeds abroad
Among the sad and weary
But when my Saviour comes again
He’ll tak’ me owre wi’ Him to reign
And there anew we’ll sing again
I ken that Jesus lo’es me