Source: “Sacred Scotch Solos" by Alexander Halliday
Also provided by Pastor Peter Smith, on one side of a double-sided sheet entitled “Halliday’s Scotch Hymns”, with a footnote “Copies can be obtained from Evangelist Seth Sykes, 363 Springburn Road, Glasgow, Scotland”.
Date: Circa 1920?
Tune: by Alexander Halliday
When far awa' in sin we lay, helpless, hopeless an' in ruin
Jesus left His happy hame an' for sinners cam' a-wooin'
He waited in the wilderness, till His locks wi' dew were cover'd
He lo'ed me, how I canna tell, but He's ta'en me for His lover
Jesus is my hert's fond love, the cords that bind us nane can sever,
On His arm I'm linkin' hame, wi' Himsel' tae bide for ever
He bore oor sorrows, grief and pain, cruel did the worl' use Him
They drove Him oot their hoose an' hame, an' they cried oot "Crucify Him"
He's ta'en the stripes were due tae me, His bonnie brow wi' marks was cover'd
On Calvary's cross He tied the knot, there He ta'en me for His lover
Beneath His wing I'm cosy noo, Hidden frae the wrath that's comin'
An' oh, my friens, there's room for you, tae save ye noo His love is burnin'
His bluid can mak' the vilest clean, an' His grace your faults can cover
If ye this nicht will gang wi' Him, Ye'll ken He's a faithfu' lover
There's nane can e'er divide us noo, since we are join'd tae ane anither
The han' that saves, it keeps me noo, an' bless His name, it shall forever
When the stars begin tae fa', an' the earth will reel an' quiver
Safe within the vale I'll be, singing praises tae my lover