Provided by: Anne Smyth, Ulster-Scots Language Society
Source: “Songs of the King’s Highway” by David J Beattie
Date: Unknown
Tune: by J W Allison
Ance mair we a’ maun pairt again, and mair maun say guidbye
But we are a’ in Jesus ane, join’d wi’ a tender tie
Guidbye until we meet again, may God be wi’ us a’
Until we meet ayont the sky, when time has fled awa’
Wi’ gratefu’ herts we turn to Him, the Source o’ ev’ry joy
Nought frae Him shall us separate, no pow’r oor peace destroy
Nae mair frae tainted streams we’ll drink, or lang for bygane days
For noo oor pleasures are complete, oor herts are fu’ o praise
In Jesus’ precious Name we met, in Jesus’ Name we’ll pairt
And tak’ His presence where we gan, whate’er may be oor airt