Source: “Sacred Scotch Solos" by Alexander Halliday
Date: Circa 1920?
Tune: by Alexander Halliday
God lo’ed us a’ whan sunk in sin
Nae haun tae help that could redeem
But see the love that gied His Son
Wha cam’ tae seek and save us
Sae kind, kind Jehovah is He
A’ His love He gied us
The sweetest gift this worl’ could gie
Wad ne’er compare wi’ Jesus
The rulers murmur’d whan He cam’
Because He supp’d wi’ sinfu’ man
But a’ they said an’ a’ they dune
Aye, He lo’ed us dearly
He climb’d the hill o’ Calvary
An faced the death for you an’ me
An’ thol’d the stripes tae set us free
His bluid an’ grace has saved us
He cast the bonds o’ death awa’
He raise a Conquer’r ne’er tae fa’
An’ Kings an’ Priests He’ll mak’ us a’
If we only wull receive Him