Provided by: Anne Smyth, Ulster-Scots Language Society
Source: “Songs of the King’s Highway” by David J Beattie
Date: Unknown
Tune: by David J Beattie
Oh I canna keep frae singing since my Saviour pardon’d me
An' I canna keep frae telling o' His grace sae fu' an' free
Frae the downward road He took me, noo I’m on the King’s Highway
He has gi’en me joy for sorrow, an’ I’m singing a’the day
Wad ye like tae ken the reason why my he’rt is never sad?
It’s because my Saviour took me in His airms an' made me glad
For His ain guid Word I trusted an’ the burden roll’d away
Oh, 'twas then I started singing, noo I’m singing a’ the day
Oh He’ll never never leave me, I’ve His ain guid promise true
An’ when trials thick assail me He will surely tak’ me thro’
Whiles the devil tries tae tempt me an’ wad fain lead me astray
But he canna thole my singing, so I’m singing a’ the day
Oh it’s gran' tae ken that Jesus frae the glory far abune
Tae this warl’ o’ sin an’ sorrow will be coming vera sune
But on whatna day or whatna hour the guid Word disna say
So I’m waiting noo an' watching an’ I’m singing a’ the day