Provided by: Pastor Peter Smith, Ballymena Elim Church
Source: “Duncan M’Neil’s Hymn Book”, Pickering & Inglis
Date: Circa 1930
Tune: by Duncan M'Neil
Sometimes I wonder whit’s gaen wrang, my sins appear sae black;
And tho’ I struggle tae forget, they aye keep coming back
But there’s always pow'r in Jesu’s blood tae wash my sins awa’
An’ I ken whitever doots may come, that Jesus kens it a’
There’s no a tear ye ever shed, tho’ silently it fa’
There’s no a sorrow ye gang thro’ but Jesus kens it a’
Some days I canna sing a note, my lips refuse tae speak
Some secret sorrow breaks my heart and tears rin doon my cheek
But I daurna tell it tae a soul, I’d raither thole awa’
For there’s sweetest comfort in the thocht that Jesus kens it a’
When times are hard an siller’s scarce an' hungry bairnies greet
When I hae struggl'd hard an sair tae gar the twa ends meet
Oh! It’s no aye pride that mak’s me hide the tears that fast doonfa’
But its just the thocht I’m no' my lane, for Jesus kens it a’