Provided by: Anne Smyth, Ulster-Scots Language Society
Source: “Songs of the King’s Highway” by David J Beattie
Date: Unknown
Tune: by W Gardner-Hunter
Tae Jesus come awa’- dinna be late!
He welcomes ane and a’ – dinna be late!
Jesus on Calvary, His ain life bluid did gie
That we micht a’ gan free – dinna be late! dinna be late!
Come noo He waits for thee – dinna be late!
Frae Satan’s bondage flee – dinna be late!
Jesus thy soul doth woo, the auld auld story’s true
Oh tak salvation noo! – dinna be late! dinna be late!
Come e’en tho’ beggar man – dinna be late!
He’ll tak ye by the han’ – dinna be late!
The rich wi’ gold and name, tae Jesus are the same
Oh will ye no come hame – dinna be late! dinna be late!
Sune, sune the day will end – dinna be late!
Wi’ anguish hearts will rend – dinna be late!
Oh, dinna hanker mair! Leave noo the sinner’s lair
Ere lost in dark despair – dinna be late! dinna be late!