Provided by: Anne Smyth, Ulster-Scots Language Society
Source: “Songs of the King’s Highway” by David J Beattie
Date: Unknown
Tune: Jock O Hazledean
I’m nearing noo my journey’s end, the simmer’s past an’ gane
An’ noo tae yon bricht hame abune I’m langing tae be ta’en
I ken my Faither cares for me, His love is aye the same, aye the same
An’ when His ain guid time comes roon, He’ll gie’s a welcome hame
The road may rough an dreary be, my hert within be sair
But Jesus tak's me by the han’, He kens I’m auld an’ puir
My feet are noo upon the brink, I see fair Canaan’s shore
I hear the angels’ joyfu’ sang resounding o’er and o’er
Tho’ angry waves aroon may roll, an darksome be the nicht
He’ll tak me safe o’er Jordan’s tide tae yonder realm o' licht