Provided by: Pastor Peter Smith, Ballymena Elim Church
Source: “Duncan M’Neil’s Hymn Book”, Pickering & Inglis
Date: Circa 1930
Tune: by Duncan M'Neil
I’m gaun to tell a story that’s aulder than the hills
Yet ev'ry time I tell it my he'rt wi' joy aye fills
It's aboot the blessed Saviour, who died an' rose again
An' He bids me bring a’ my cares to Him
An' He wants you to do the same
Tak' a' your cares to Jesus, He cares for you;
When the trials o' life press hard, He will tak' ye through
Whatever else may fail ye, On Him ye may depend;
An' ye’ll never ha'e a cross to bear but He’ll tak' the heavy end
There’s yae thing o' this story, although it is not new
I’ve never met the critic that prov'd it wisna true
It has stood the test o’ ages – ‘twill staun as long again;
For the Saviour said “I am He that was dead,
And I live evermore to reign.”
Oh! Sinner, are ye burdened, an’ weary wi your sin?
Well Jesus can relieve ye, jist come awa' to Him.
Many years He’s tried to win ye – oh heed His pleading voice
Heaven’s bells will ring, an’ the ransom’d host sing
An' the angels in Heav'n rejoice