Provided by: Pastor Peter Smith, Ballymena Elim Church
Source: “Duncan M’Neil’s Hymn Book”, Pickering & Inglis
Date: Circa 1930
Tune: Harmonized by Lizzie Thomson
I yince wis as fond o’ the world as you,
I wis a stranger to Jesus!
But life has become entirely new,
Since I trusted Jesus!
I wis a stranger but He took me in
Naked, He clothed me and saved me from sin
Oh! What a treasure I’ve found in Him
I’m satisfied wi' Jesus
I’m satisfied wi' Jesus – He’s all the world tae me
I never never had a freen hauf sae kind as He
I came tae Him the slave o’ sin – His power has made me free
I ken He’ll do the same for you as whit He’s dune for me
I used to be fond o taking a drink
I wis a stranger tae Jesus!
But on my ways I began to think
And turned my feet tae Jesus!
Then God let me see, so clear and plain
The water of life was as free as rain
I’ll never go back to the pub again
I’m satisfied wi' Jesus
I searched for pleasure and joy everywhere
I was a stranger to Jesus!
Many a time my he'rt was sair
Until I trusted Jesus!
The pleasures of sin, they flee so fast
For God’s Word tells us they canna' last
But oh! Whit a sting when the pleasure’s past!
I’m gled I’m trusting Jesus
The world it can never satisfy
If you’re a stranger to Jesus!
There’s something for which your soul will cry,
Man do you know it’s Jesus?
The devil for years has blinded your eyes,
He says when you’re sav'd all your pleasure dies
But glory to God, I know that’s all lies!
I’m happy trusting Jesus.